A Guide On Town Planning

Town planning can be a tedious and complicated affair. It is especially so since you have to consider the needs of the current and future generations. This excerpt discusses some town planning tips. 

Land Use

Land use regulations dictate what kinds of developments should be allowed in specific areas. Typically, they divide the town into various zones. Assess the town's history and the needs of the people when creating zoning regulations. For instance, industries should be located away from town to shield residents from noise and air pollution. Zone the central business district for commercial development. It ensures businesses are accessible to all residents. The area around the central business district could be zoned for mixed-use. As such, people can build homes and open their business. Reserve the estates for residential developments. It gives residents a sense of privacy.


The housing component of town planning determines the acceptable forms of housing in the town. For example, residents could be compelled to use specific house designs to preserve the town's heritage. Besides, it could restrict the height of houses in various zones. For instance, people living in residential zones could be prohibited from building a home with more than three floors. You will also need to consider the needs of vulnerable groups such as the poor and disabled. Some town councils will provide low-cost housing for these groups.


The town must have an effective transport system. During the design process, professionals evaluate the efficiency of the current system. For instance, if the existing roads have traffic jams, you could either expand them into highways or create alternative routes to reduce traffic. The town's transport plans should conform to the state's transport projects. For example, if a state-funded railway line will pass through the area, you could make an allocation for a terminus.

Utilities and Amenities

Water, power, and drainage are essential utilities in every town. Therefore, check the condition of the existing systems. As the town population increases, the demand for these utilities will increase. As such, you should have a plan of how to provide more water and expand the current drainage system. Some towns will encourage residents to use renewable energy such as solar power to reduce the demand for fossil fuel electricity. The town should also have recreational areas such as parks where residents can enjoy their weekends. Stadiums, basketball and tennis arenas can generate income for town residents. 

When planning a town, create land use regulations, assess the towns housing needs, create an appropriate transport system, and make allocations for utilities and amenities.
